Events do not work from resource file in Godot 4.2.2

Accessing and changing events from a common resource file, like described in this video, do not work in Godot 4.2.2, from what I can see.
Does anyone how to make that work?

I had to solve the problem with an alternative solution, by letting UIController.cs (the UI node) have a reference to the Player Character in the main scene).
From both nodes with StatLabel.cs script inside the ui scene, I have a reference to the UIController in the root node of the ui scene.
In the StatLabel, I reference the StatResource like following:

public partial class StatLabel : Label
    [Export] public Stat statType;
    [Export] private UIController uiController;
    private StatResource characterStatResource;
    public override void _Ready()
        characterStatResource = uiController.Character.GetStatResource(statType);
        characterStatResource.Changed += HandleUpdate;
        Text = characterStatResource.StatValue.ToString();

    public void HandleUpdate()
        Text = characterStatResource.StatValue.ToString();

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