Event Based Milestone

Right now my current milestone is: Have a working MVP (just the first few levels of my game) and have it play tested. Time line is the next two weeks.

Awesome. Are you going to schedule some sort of event (eg. invite some friends over to check it out) that you can’t wriggle out of?

For sure, I’m letting people know tonight. I’ve also decided to up the pressure by throwing a “MVP” party to test the CO-OP mode and have people take home the single player alpha. Who know I might even throw my 1070 on the line too, one of my friend has been eyeballing it (bad news he isn’t a gamer!). I’ll post the details tomorrow after the deed is done. :tired_face: time to step up!

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This seems to be an important milestone! Congratulations! I wish you a successful and fun MVP party! :slight_smile:

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Thank you! No going back now.

Awesome, good luck!

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