Escaping The Sands of Time

Time ship The Higgs Boson is propelled into the dreaded Sands of Time when the caesium engine’s experimental Sun Drive malfunctions. The fearless crew must navigate the sands of time, an ether lost between time lines where countless dangers threaten their chances of returning home to Kalliope Quindecimillenial Erinome.

Some ideas about the game mechanics.

Flight and avoidance. Addition and subtraction as the underlying mechanic.

Timer: is a candle clock. Ok maybe it’s a subatomic candle.

Buffs egg timers and stop watches. Bric-a-brac floating in the ether. Buffs repair damage.

Power ups are floating magic numbers: (1729, 2,8, 28, 50, 82, 126) the bigger the number the better the power up. Power ups fuel or Timer.

Dangers: Sands of time, time leaches, memories in floating tv sets, time gremlins.

Obsticles pillars of time, anomalies, vortexes.

Game levels various shapes associated with time? Spirals, winding paths.

Objective: Make your way to a portal, or multiple portals. The twist not all portals lead home. You are moving through a labyrinth.

Probably over thought this. But figure it’s better to have too much and trim.


Addendum: Maybe the sands of time is too close to other game titles… probably the first thing I should have looked at… all I was left with was the vortex of disappointment. :wink:

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I love the hard sci-fi theme, it reminds me a lot of those more “out there” sci-fi stories. I figure it’s probably better to over-think than under-think, since you can always scale back.

Also the labyrinth idea sounds really neat, the only thing that might be tricky is if the player ever needs to repeat a level. I’d imagine that could be frustrating unless there was a way to differentiate it from a previous run.

Either way awesome ideas!

Thanks for the input, repeating the scene can be frustrating, perhaps time being wobbly it might be possible to change the elements in the scene, but at some point there has to be a mechanism that gets you closer to the end.

I really like the idea of memories on floating TVs :ok_hand:

Thanks… been away for awhile taking care of some business… has given me some time to let the ideas percolate. Time to do some sketches while moving through the course.

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