Escape the Room

Here are my ideas for “Escape the Room.” I’m not going for anything too complicated because I’m new to this.

  1. Player starts in the central room and must open one of the doors in the room with a simple pressure plate. They must arrange add a certain amount of weight to the pressure place to open the door.
  2. Once they complete the puzzle the door opens and they can move into the next room. Each door in the adjacent room contains a similar tic-tac-toe puzzle utilizing different characters (to keep if from getting too boring).
  3. Once the player reaches the room with the exit to the outside they must complete a tic-tac-toe style puzzle with a larger grid to exit (say 4x4 over standard 3x3 concept).

Note: This may change based on the next lesson. I believe initially there will be a hidden pressure plate to open the doors.


Puzzle for Standard Room:

Cool yeah that should work. Reply when your done! :slight_smile:

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