Escape the REDRUM, story-driven mystery game

Hi @ben and everyone, I hope you like my game idea!

I decided to create a story-driven game, because:

  • Concept works regardless of the game mechanics Ben will teach us
  • No complex object interactions required
  • Whether the game is fun or not limited by imagination rather than UE4 skills

Escape the REDRUM (MURDER backwards)


  • Two rooms (Room#1, Room#2), connected by corridor
  • Corridor is a time travel to the past
  • Murder happened in Room#1
  • When player reaches Room#2 he travels to the past, minutes before the murder
  • Player realizes that either he is a killer or he is a victim, mind = blown
  • Puzzles will be added depending what I learn in future lessons
  • Broken or altered objects / furniture in Room#1 return to original state in Room#2

Why game is fun?

  • Mysterious and intriguing story
  • Big plot twist

Bull Cow Game implementation?

  • One of the puzzles can be to guess a word through BullCowGame
  • Maybe to open Room#2?
  • Word to guess is “MURDER”

I’ll be happy to hear what you think about this idea!


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Woa - Puts mine to shame.
Seems pretty fun, the only thing is - MURDER isn’t an isogram :slight_smile:
But I’d play it!

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Hey Andrew, I appreciate the feedback! :slight_smile: Good point about the isogram haha, I’ll need to think this through.

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