Escape the Necromancer's Dungeon - design layout

Here’s the overall layout of the room and the puzzle locations. I decided on a sort of high fantasy/Dungeons and Dragons type theme.

The idea is that you are an adventurer captured by an evil necromancer. You’ve been stripped of all weapons and armor. The necromancer has left briefly to gather the components necessary to perform the ritual to add you to his undead army. You must escape before he returns.

I was unable to provide a more detailed sketch of the first puzzle in the software I used to make the room design, but I can describe it. The skeleton in the corner is clutching a note against its chest. It describes what is at stake if you don’t escape, as well as revealing that there is a key hidden in a hollowed out book in the bookcase. He doesn’t say what the key is for in the note, as he seems to have written it in a hurry, but he does give a clue as to which book it’s in, hoping the next captured adventurer fares better than he did. Finding the key and trying it on the chest unlocks it. Inside, there is a scroll with a riddle on it. The riddle should lead the player to the candle on the spell scroll table. The heat from the candle reveals a potion recipe on the scroll, as well as a spell incantation, and a clue that the magic circle in the center of the room is involved in some way. Mixing the proper potion, pouring it onto the magic circle, and reading the summon a gatekeeper spirit, who will present you with the final puzzle. This is where the Bull Cow game comes in. If you succeed at winning the Bull Cow game against the gatekeeper, the exit door will open, and you escape.

I hope this isn’t too complex. I kind of got carried away. I was sort of inspired by live puzzle escape room games when I designed this. This is simpler than those rooms usually are, at least! :laughing:

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