Escape The Hunter's Basement

So I’ll start off by saying that I know I may have gone a bit overboard, but I’ll replace the Globe with a simpler but similar lock if it’s too complicated for now.

Anyway here’s a Overview of the map.

And a rough Sketch of the main room.

The Idea is your trapped in a cellar und your trapper seems to be some kind of hunter.
And he’s left some Notes about where and how he hunted some of his “Prey”.
Through these Clues your supposed to add Figurines to a Globe, which will open a drawer that holds the Exit key.

Sketch of the Puzzle and components:

The Notes get more and more gruesome with the last one describing how he’s started hunting people, which you can only get just before you escape.

There’s a camera in the corner, which might give off a low tone, making sure you know you’re being watched :smiling_imp:

So a very rough idea, not sure if we’re going to learn all the pieces necessary to accomplish this for now, but the assets necessary I can make with Blender.

Let me know what you think appreciate any and all feedback. Let me know what ideas you have after reading this.

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