UPDATE: New posting with several below suggestions implemented. Thanks for the feedback guys!
Alert! The X192 Prototype rocket has been stolen by… you! See if you can make it out of the secret cavern alive!
Original Game Link:
A or Left Arrow - Rotate Left
D or Right Arrow - Rotate Right
Space - Thrust
Known issue - there appears to be some lighting issues in the Web GL build that aren’t in the PC build (e.g. flashing objects with solid color). I haven’t figured out how to fix that quite yet despite numerous tweaks.
With a little help from Cinemachine, I setup the game camera to follow my rocket and made the level go vertical. Also, I tweaked my Oscillator script to allow position, rotation, and/or scale to be adjusted for an object or group of objects.
This opened up a wealth of possibilities for obstacles. Hope you enjoy it, let me know what you think! You can complete the level (I only finshed up one in this mode), it can be a bit of a challenge but I have done it several times now. Good luck!