Errors when trying to us the metahuman

Hi, i am doing the course of Unreal Engine 5: Action Adventure Game Development Course, but i got a lot of errors when opening the blueprint of the metahuman, can somebody help me?

That will sometimes happen, as Metahumans is experimentally there will be bugs or errors with it. I would go through each error one-by-one and use the suggested course of action to fix the bug.

For example, for the Live Link Body Retarget node you’re showing. You can disconnect the connection in red and reconnect using the pin above.

If you’re unsure of what to do for a specific error, please share a screen of the event/function graph for that error and I’ll do my best to assist.

Thanks for answering. I tried but there are a lot of things broken that i have no idea how to fix.
Ill thank any help on this.

I tried for example refreshing the node like it says there, but when i do, there is a broken connection.

Can you check to see if the Metahumans plugin is enabled?

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Hi, thanks for reply. Didn’t know there was a metahuman plugin, looked for it, there is non in the list so i looked in the market place and found this.

installed it

but nothing happened.

Ok, can you try re-adding your metahuman to your project?

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It worked! so with the plugin and reimporting the character it seems to work.

Thank you!

Excellent! Glad I could help find a solution.

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