Errors shown in Visual Studio Code, but still compiles in UE5


I’m getting a weird issue that I don’t quite understand - these three lines at the top of my .h file show an error

#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "Components/ActorComponent.h"
#include "Mover.generated.h"

this is the error

UE5 still compiles fine - but I’m very curious as to what is causing this!

I get the same, you can sometimes fix it by generating the project files from the ue editor. I think it is just a large project and the t takes intellisense forever to read all of it.

Not really an answer, but my experience. I see many people close the editor when doing anything in c++ which helps, it also minimizes issues when coding changes just don’t seem to work until you reload the ue editor as well.

Do you have the workspace open? Did you do Tools > Refresh VS Code Project within Unreal (you need to do this whenever you add new files)?

Would you mind showing your full VS Code window?


this solved the include errors for me. thanks

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