Error While Trying To Compile

Whilst attempt to create the movement for the door as I attempted to compile my code for Unreal my engine crashed and sent out an error report, now I can’t get into my file at all without it telling me the exact same thing each time, does anyone know how I could fix this?

Thanks in Advance!

@ben I have changed my code to exactly what you wrote yet I cannot get my file to open

I am just going to restart my progress it shouldn’t take too long after doing it previously

Great attitude and good luck!

For future reference i believe this crash would have been caused by a problem when you edited the blueprint for the door. As the problem still exist in the blueprint it crashes the editor each time you start the project.
Dont get disheartened though as its all part of the learning process!

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@Marc_Carlyon I don’t recall editing the blueprint at that current point in time but I’ll keep that in mind, I didn’t get disheartened, this is what I love doing, I’ve started up again a few days ago because i’ve just completed exams. :slight_smile:


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