ERROR unity

Good afternoon, this problem is not new, but I have not found a solution, someone can tell me what to do with it, the project is named in English letters, the path is also, there are no spaces, I tried both on the main disk and on the additional one, downloaded again, tried different versions anyway, this error, hub is the worst what could be added :woozy_face:

I make my project name without space as well as a shorter path and fix the issue. I do not know if the project name without space is necessary.

If you have no spaces, it might be worth trying to shorter name and shorter path.

Tried it, it doesn’t work

What I’ve already tried:

  1. Change the project name to a short one. Example: project.
  2. Changing the path to the project for a short time. Example: D:\unityproject .
  3. Changing the disk from D:\ to disk C:, there is enough space on the disks.
  4. Deleting unity and downloading again, tried and LTS.
  5. Rearranging the unity of the hub.
  6. I downloaded Microsoft visual via vpn since it is not downloaded in my country.
  7. I started everything through VPN.
  8. Downloaded unity from the Internet, not through the hub.
  9. Downloaded the finished project from the Internet, but it runs with the same error.

What else would you recommend?

You’ve tried way more than I would have thought, so you’ve got me stumped.

What does this mean?


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