Error CS0104: ambiguous reference

Hello, I ran into an error while following the instructions in this course that rendered an ambiguous reference error. Attached is a screenshot. I’m curious how to navigate this as well as what went wrong along the way so that I can avoid it in future work. Thank you!

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Just remove this using and it will be fine.

Both UnityEngine and System.Diagnostics have a Debug type. You have a using that references both these namespaces, so the compiler doesn’t know which one you want to use, hence the ‘ambiguous reference’ error. You don’t need the System.Diagnostics one, so you can remove the using that references it.

A tangent for the future you

In the future, you will get this problem again because you will want to create a serialisable object and do something random. But both UnityEngine and System have a Random type. When that happens, you will need both using clauses and this will become a problem. To solve this you can;

  1. Use the full namespace to use the type
using System;
using UnityEngine;
float randomValue = UnityEngine.Random.value;
  1. Or alias the type in the using section
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using Random = UnityEngine.Random

float randomValue = Random.value;

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