After implementing the ATankAIController AimTowardsPlayer function in lecture 124, I saw an error when trying to compile of C3859 - virtual memory range for PCH exceeded and need to use command line option of -Zm98 or greater.
Just wondering if this is due to all of the Unreal C++ content or if anyone else is getting this? Restarting VS and recompiling worked OK.
I have 16GB RAM and only 10GB in use (a running VM) so should be plenty for compiling…
Some useful info here on how to resolve:
(Note that this option does not appear to be a command line option when starting Visual Studio - as I originally thought - but needs to go in the Project Properties / (C++ or NMake depending on version) / Additional Options and I also think it may need to be a value of 10, 100, 200, 1000 or 2000…doco seems very unclear)
Will monitor but hopefully resolved now!