Environment Art Course: Corridor completed!

Finally completed this section! It was a different experience from the modular castle but it was still fun and taught me alot of new techniques. I only added an extra crate as I’m still learning how to model basic things but I felt that it still atleast helped the scene a bit. I rendered this through eevee since cycles is very resource intensive, and used point lights and a slight emission glow/bloom for an added effect.


Good progress.
Maybe the door be in a different texture, so it will be more visible.

In Eevee did you, switch on ambient inclusion?

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Thank you for the feedback! I debated on adjusting the door as well but it was a bit hard to find a texture since textures.com no longer offers free credits and I didn’t have too much luck on other sites. Most sites have PBR textures which I haven’t learned how to use yet but I know it’s in the course! I will revisit this project once I learn it though and definitely adjust the texturing.

Also I did use ambient occlusion but its only set to about 3.76m, for some reason when i put it higher it causes a darkness to overlay my entire scene and not just the shadows/crevices.

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What I do is just search the web for some images. And sort them in high resolution first.

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