Hi, i got few problems while pressing play
Link to my repo
First when only my tank is on the map i get
Ensure condition failed: Component->HasBegunPlay() [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/Actor.cpp] [Line: 3457]
Failed to route BeginPlay (TankAimingComponent /Game/_Levels/UEDPIE_0_BattleGround.BattleGround:PersistentLevel.BP_Tank_C_0.TankAiming)
[2020.04.20-16.33.51:920][282]LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: Component->HasBegunPlay() [File:D:/Build/++UE4/Sync/Engine/Source/Runtime/Engine/Private/Actor.cpp] [Line: 3457]
Failed to route BeginPlay (TankAimingComponent /Game/_Levels/UEDPIE_0_BattleGround.BattleGround:PersistentLevel.BP_Tank_C_0.TankAiming)
If AITank and mortars are in the game
Ensure condition failed: PossessedTank [File:C:\Users\stanik\Desktop\GameDev\GameDev\04_BattleTank\BattleTank\Source\Private\TankAIController.cpp] [Line: 22]
And when i get killed game crashes
[2020.04.20-16.37.26:759][272]LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: PossessedTank [File:C:\Users\stanik\Desktop\GameDev\GameDev\04_BattleTank\BattleTank\Source\Private\TankAIController.cpp] [Line: 22]
If i use debuger in vs , skip this ensures and play again all is ok but if i restart game i got problem again
Also if i package project and play everything is ok so problem seems to occure only in editor.