Ensure Condition Failed

I have two types of tanks and each one with a different set, and each one with its own AimingComponent, PlayerControllers, and components. After I finished the battletank sectionI wanted to add another player tank. I tried to create another input action along with a different type of projectile alongside the original one. I was using Fire() off of TankAimingComponent as a guide to making the DropSlimeMine() thing. When doing so I added the (!ensure(SnailTail)) to protect it from crashing entirely, but could never figure out how to fix my problem. Sorry if my question or explanation isn’t clear.

These screenshots were before I moved them around some to see If just the SnailTail was causing the failure or everything else as well.

2019-01-31%2017_12_20-battle_tank%20-%20Unreal%20Editor 2019-01-31%2017_12_39-battle_tank%20-%20Unreal%20Editor 2019-01-31%2017_14_34-battle_tank%20-%20Microsoft%20Visual%20Studio

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