Shiped build can be found here if you want to give it a go.
(wont be their permanently but will keep it there for a few weeks.)
Movement WASD. Mouse to Look, I - Toggle Look Mouse Y Axis Inverse,1 & 2 weapon swiching, R to reload, L Mouse to Fire and Space to Jump. Esc for Pause menu (to quit)
I’ve added a few enhancements to the game as follows:
- Input system switched over to Enhanced Input system
- Start \Win\Lose Widgets include a timer in c++ to show animated 5-0 count down timer.
- Additonal Pause game menu widget added with quit option
Ammo Management.
- Added Ammo Hud displaying Ammo in clip and total available for weapon
- Spawns different ammo types on enemy death depending on what weapon the enemy was using.
- The player can pickup the ammo as long as their weapon has spare ammo capacity.
- Added weapon Reload which had different delays for each weapon type. Would like to have added an animation but I couldn’t find one in the asset pack.
- Reload and Can’t reload sound effects added.
- Added a Health component attached to enemys showing their health , changes colour as health depletes.
- Created a new health widgit for the Player , this one changes colour as the healh depletes.
**Enemy AI **
- Gave the enemy a visual range, so if the player is too far in front they stop firing weapon and give chase.
- If the Player Dies , the enemy will stop firing their weapon,