Enhanced Input System not working?


I’m completely new to Unreal and I’m having trouble converting what’s done in the video to what the Enhanced Input System wants. I’ve tried following this guide:

But the FPS_Character doesn’t move at all in any direction when I test it in the editor. Is there something I’m missing? Here are my settings:

Blueprints -

Input Action (MoveForward) -

Input Action (MoveSideways) -

Input Mapping Context -

Thanks in advance for the help!

This might not be the cause of all of your problems. But you have nothing connected to the Input pin for the IsValid node. So it always results in IsNotValid.

I believe the intention was to connect the Enhanced Input Local Player Subsystem as the input.

Unfortunately, that didn’t solve the problem, but thanks for pointing that out. I had completely overlooked it. :sweat_smile:

Edit: For reference, this is what my Blueprints look like now.

Adding this for anyone else interested in this, but I got it! I needed to add the Input Mapping Context (IMC) to the “Add Mapping Context” module (in the “Mapping Context” dropdown.) Once I added that the FPS_character movement works like a charm.

The original guide shows this, but I missed it because it’s a greyed out section. :laughing:

Area marked with a red square for reference:

Thanks again @Tuomo_T for the help!

No problem! Sorry I didn’t catch that one.

No worries, it was a really small, greyed out section with a black background. I’m surprised I noticed it at all. :laughing:

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