Engine crashing everytime!

After I put this code, my engine is crashing,

Did you find out the error yet?

Does the editor crash window give a line number? If it is line 16 then it means that TankRoot is null. The cast in line 15 failed if that is the case… which seems a bit weird.

yes my line 16 is giving error . when i commented it and played the game was working, please tell me whats wrong with the line 16?

Your tank’s root component isn’t the tank body.

I don’t get it, I am a beginner please explain me in detail what to do .

Look at your component list for the tank.


And in code you asked to get the root component and cast it to UPrimitiveComponent. Your root component is “DefaultSceneRootComponent” which is a USceneComponent which is not a UPrimitiveComponent. Which means your cast will return nullptr and then dereferncing that == bad times.

Click and drag TankBody onto DefaultSceneRoot to make it the new root component. You can then delete that scene component.

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