after I move out of range of my enemy, the nav mesh is off and not on the enemy. so when i am in range of the enemy it’s like I’m pushing the enemy around.
does anyone know what is wrong?
after I move out of range of my enemy, the nav mesh is off and not on the enemy. so when i am in range of the enemy it’s like I’m pushing the enemy around.
does anyone know what is wrong?
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class EnemyChasingState : EnemyBaseState
private readonly int LocomotionBlendTreeHash = Animator.StringToHash("Locomotion");
private readonly int SpeedHash = Animator.StringToHash("EnemySpeed");
private const float CrossFadeDuration = 0.1f;
private const float AnimatorDampTime = 0.1f;
public EnemyChasingState(EnemyStateMachine enemyStateMachine) : base(enemyStateMachine)
public override void Enter()
enemyStateMachine.Animator.CrossFadeInFixedTime(LocomotionBlendTreeHash, CrossFadeDuration);
public override void Tick(float deltaTime)
//Transition into Enemy Idle State
enemyStateMachine.SwitchState(new EnemyIdleState(enemyStateMachine));
enemyStateMachine.Animator.SetFloat(SpeedHash, 1f , AnimatorDampTime, deltaTime);
Debug.Log("In Chasing State!");
public override void Exit()
enemyStateMachine.Agent.velocity =;
Debug.Log("TEST EXIT");
public void MoveToPlayer(float deltaTime)
enemyStateMachine.Agent.destination = enemyStateMachine.Player.transform.position;
Move(enemyStateMachine.Agent.desiredVelocity.normalized * enemyStateMachine.EnemyMovementSpeed, deltaTime);
enemyStateMachine.Agent.velocity = enemyStateMachine.Controller.velocity;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class EnemyIdleState : EnemyBaseState
private readonly int LocomotionBlendTreeHash = Animator.StringToHash("Locomotion");
private readonly int SpeedHash = Animator.StringToHash("EnemySpeed");
private const float CrossFadeDuration = 0.1f;
private const float AnimatorDampTime = 0.1f;
public EnemyIdleState(EnemyStateMachine enemyStateMachine) : base(enemyStateMachine)
public override void Enter()
enemyStateMachine.Animator.CrossFadeInFixedTime(LocomotionBlendTreeHash, CrossFadeDuration);
public override void Tick(float deltaTime)
//Transition into Chasing state
enemyStateMachine.SwitchState(new EnemyChasingState(enemyStateMachine));
Debug.Log("In Range");
enemyStateMachine.Animator.SetFloat(SpeedHash, 0f , AnimatorDampTime, deltaTime);
public override void Exit()
this is what solved it, from a prior question asked.
public void MoveToPlayer(float deltaTime)
enemyStateMachine.Agent.destination = enemyStateMachine.Player.transform.position;
Move(enemyStateMachine.Agent.desiredVelocity.normalized * enemyStateMachine.EnemyMovementSpeed, deltaTime);
//This Was changed from the Tutorial.
//From enemyStateMachine.Agent.velocity = enemyStateMachine.Controller.velocity;
//To the following:
enemyStateMachine.Agent.nextPosition = enemyStateMachine.transform.position;
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