Enemy AI Basic: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

Really enjoying the course but have hit a wall with Enemy AI Basic. Having the same issue that Brian_Kennedy had but in my case, I’m not sure what to do. I’ve reviewed the video a few times, I really can’t spot where I’ve gone wrong. Unit Manager is in the hierarchy:

Also, here’s the code from my EnemyAI script:

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much!

The error is on line 95. From that I can see that spinAction is null. So, your enemyUnit.GetSpinAction() is not returning a spin action. Have a look and see why that is

Does that Unit have a SpinAction component attached to the game object?
Either it doesn’t have the script attached or you’re not assigning the field on the Unit script.


Wow, thanks so much for responding so quickly. I really appreciate it! Indeed, the SpinAction component was not attached to UnitEnemy in the hierarchy. Simple fix, everything works fine :slight_smile:

Also wanted to thank Hugo and the whole team for creating such a well crafted course and for providing this type of support. At least for me, it makes a huge difference and certainly helps to keep me motivated. Thanks again!!

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