Ending the Game?

Hi all,

Oh goodness, where do I start! That was without doubt the most frustrating lesson I had seen thus far I had no idea what he wanted us to do. For instance, after @8:15 I had no idea what he was telling us to do, eventually I stumbled through it doing ‘nothing’ like what he told us to do, I just took what I knew and ran with it albeit slowly, except having to change the correct Shooter Character.

Anyway, I did have one curious side effect of doing it “my way” was that when I “killed” the pwn the message came up, ok, all fine and good, but, then I accidentally shot the “dead” character again and the message telling me the “enemy” was dead again, then it happened again and again after that, is this the correct behaviour or am I going to need to try and decipher this lesson again! I don’t want errors compounding having it wrong.

Thankyou and Regards

What difficulty did you have with that exactly?

That’s what happens with Sam’s code, yes.

Oh goodness, where do I start. It started off with creating the game mode, which I was about to follow and then he said, “that’s not quite what we wanted to do”, then he said something about reparenting, then he wanted us to rename a Gamemode and after watching it 4 times or more I said a word I am not able to repeat and said if I do it that way I could end up like I did in ToonTanks where there was a problem with a BluePrint and I was getting prepared to delete the project and start from scratch. And did it another way, the proper way - that I can’t even remember what it was. And then later he told us we would need to change the Default pawn Class in the “Class Defaults” but, it was already set to correct Shooter Character leading me to say another word I can’t repeat. If I was the project co-ordinator of this lesson, there would be no way I would’ve allowed that video to go prime-time without a “major” edit.

Oh thank goodness, for a moment there I thought we might be incrementing a counter each time the pawn was killed which could end up being a lot!!! But seeing as it’s the correct behaviour I can move on with the lessons again.

It does not start off creating a game mode. That is selecting the game mode override to be the C++ class (well about to before he stops himself) .

“then going to the blueprints item on the toolbar and selecting in the projects settings that our default game mode.”

It’s the same as Edit > Project Settings > Maps & Modes and changing the default game mode there.

He then says that’s not what we want to do because we should want to do what you think he said. Which is to create a blueprint derived from the C++ class; but we already have a blueprint game mode so instead we just reparent it.

No, you are quite right at 8:15 it starts off with attempting to create a Kill 'Em All (excellent Metallica reference) blueprint for the newly created Kill Em All game mode.

Now, was a perfect opportunity to discuss why we were changing the GameMode manually instead of changing it through code as a published game would do where you choose the GameMode you wish through the interface and based on that choose have the game automatically set the GameMode than go on you merry way - unless I am seriously misunderstanding what GameModes are in which case, the lesson didn’t do it’s job. I’ll be looking for that lesson(s) with baited breath. Much like I’m looking forward to the lesson on having the arms move up and down marginally when shooting up and down.

You say that the lesson is perfectly fine and valid and has no mistakes whatsoever and in in line with the reputation that GameDev.tv has established as being exceptional at creating teaching products.

However, as a consumer of the product this lesson is a step backward, not only for the incorrect content and doing it backwards. But for the missed opportunities on GameModes and discussing them properly.

We will never see eye-to-eye on this - so, perhaps we should end this discussion here.

Warmest Regards.

Sorry but I find your reply a bit strange. It reads as if we had a few back and forth exchanges on this. However, as far as I can tell, this wasn’t in your initial complaint so this comment that I’m writing right now is in fact my first reply to it.

That would probably be considered out of scope unfortunately; as Unreal doesn’t make it easy to do that. There’s no SetGameMode like function for example. So going over how to do that would probably sort of convoluted and some students might find it confusing. I will however forward your suggestion for the remaster.

(This seems to be the meat of your issue but was not in your initial reply which is why I found some of the comments you made in this reply a bit strange, namely the “never see eye-to-eye on this” part).

Where did I say this? Please don’t put words in my mouth.

What’s incorrect?

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