Encouter some problems with dyntopo

I have problems adding more details (Blender 2.82.7) using Dyntopo.
Like the indents in the mouth, for the teeth, are suddenly not symmetrical.
‘X’ Option still on !
Also adding eye lids details and smoothing them, basically removes the action before.
Maybe, re-mesh to a lower res, fixing problems and start adding more details.

177K verts 355K Tris

But, as a first real sculpting project, I am pleased with the results. The sculpt process is clear to me.
Now I need more practice.


Hey, lucky I just logged on with my coffee lol. I had issues with this too before and found that you need to use symmetrize under dyntopo, which is like a mirror using the coordinates in direction.

Troll is looking good man!



Thanks !
But my problem suddenly appeared while I was sculpting.
Adding dent 1 ok (symmetry) adding second dent which did not appear exactly as a copy.
I had this problem earlier with modeling the body.

It’s not a big problem. At this moment.

ahh!, I see now what your are trying to tell. I don’t use that button. I only change Resolution.
And remesh with voxels. I try to remember this.

In the lessons it’s not use ‘symmetrize’ button only resolution. Because you need only more resolution on certain places. And ‘symmetrize’ will do the hole object (I think) . Which leads to unnecessary verts.


Symmetrize will only add more detail on the mirrored side wherever you add in detail manually. To fill the whole mesh with detail using dyntopo, you can use the ‘Detail Flood Fill’ option AFTER you have activated Dyntopo. Also, symmetrize will automatically fix any spots you may have missed on the other side by simply mirroring the side you want as soon as you click the button :), this has saved my ass a few times when I was sculpting without mirroring my work along the x axis!

edit: Be aware that symmetrize will remove any custom work on the mirrored side of you model, like a larger arm on one side than the other etc. Think of it like using the mirror modifier.


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