Is there a reason why we aren’t setting options like Enable Camera Lag in C++? Was this was done for simplicity, or is it more common to have these types of options set in BP? I feel like it could be confusing for people working with your code if you are modifying these types of settings outside of your actual code.
For what it is worth, you could do both. But in blueprints won’t require recompiling your code every time you update the setting. It could also be a level designer option who would not be modifying code.
You definitely can set it in C++
SpringArmComponent->bEnableCameraLag = true;
That makes sense, I was just curious as a programmer if there was a standard when it came to setting defaults in code. I feel like this would make it easier for troubleshooting if things broke later. I guess this is more of a “standards in the industry” question than specifically about this section.
I agree it may be a preference. But as the programmer if you expose a variable as a default and allow the designer to override, your code would show only the default value, not the overridden value, so that would have to be documented outside of the code I guess
Fair enough. I guess that’s where I’m trying to understand the workflow between how the designers and the programmers work together on a value, and when (or if), a value set by a designer would be set as the default value in the code. (I could see where that could be considered redundant though.) Thank you for the responses!
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