Enable Input

Is there any difference between APawn::EnableInput and APlayerController::EnableInput? Their descriptions in UE documentation are quite similar, so why do we call GetPawn() inside the APlayerController class?

They do the exact same thing.


void APlayerController::EnableInput(class APlayerController* PlayerController)
	if (PlayerController == this || PlayerController == NULL)
		bInputEnabled = true;
		UE_LOG(LogPlayerController, Error, TEXT("EnableInput can only be specified on a PlayerController for itself"));


void APawn::EnableInput(class APlayerController* PlayerController)
	if (PlayerController == Controller || PlayerController == nullptr)
		bInputEnabled = true;
		UE_LOG(LogPawn, Error, TEXT("EnableInput can only be specified on a Pawn for its Controller"));

So within the PlayerController class you could just write


I’ve tried to write just


but it didn’t work. I suppose it depends on input binding. As we binded input to the Tank (Pawn), we can enable or disable it only there.

Thank You for the answer! :smiley:

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