EmptyObkectWithLasers.GetComponent<Rigidbody2D>.velocity = new Vector2(0,30)

Trying to add power ups to my defender game. I got power up spawner, player is picking them up successfully, figured to bundle lasers into empty game object to spawn it when player’s weapon power up int increases. So I have if statements in my IE numerator, when int Powerup is 1 -instantiate regular laser, if 2or more -instantiate prefab of lasers inside empty object. It spawns but won’t move. Tried to add rigid body to empty -still won’t work.

The only solution I got is to attach new scripts with updating transform.translate method to prefabed laser, and when instantiating object with prefabed lasers -they fly, and then added destroy script on parent object because when lasers die before hitting shredder, parent stays in a game. So my script deletes it after 2 seconds after instatiating. Sounds like problem is solved, I got my player to powerup up to 5 lasers, but when I was trying to create new type of weapon for player, where a projectile rotates, just like recent big enemy we made, the projectile doesn’t rotate, it drifts to the left, and if angle is too high, it just flies around the screen

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