Elven Infiltration

Hello fellow game developers,

You can find the whole game with all 7 “Game over” and a single winning State here:

Please not that my project slightly differes from the tutorial as I wantet to explore a little bit deeper into Scriptable Objects and serialization :sweat_smile:

I’ve setup another ScriptableObject to change my themes according to the chapter / scene “feeling” and bound it to the States - this allowed for changing themes in between the states.

This is based on the dasign post of https://community.gamedev.tv/t/cyoa-elven-infiltration/100041
I would love to get feedback from you!

Please excuse my mediacre english. Unfortunately I’m not a native speaker and story design isn’t my highest priority until we get further into the 2D scripting :grin:

Best Regards,

Edit: inspired by Adriano_SilvaGoblin’s Dungeon” I’ve quickly added licence-free sounds which are also changing with the chapter theme :+1:


I tried the game few times, I liked it honestly, I tried it few times until I won the game , after I discovered the 7 “Game Overs” :rofl:, I’m not familiar with “Goblin’s Dungeon” though.

1- The emotional theme of the game and the choice of the color that reflects a stressful situation, relief, it is like when I got to a dark theme then into a lighter one, I felt some relief :grin: .
2- I liked the story and the theme , I found it engaging somehow.

1- Sometimes I feel that there are many ways to return to a previous scenes like " Return to Forest" and “return back to the Backyard” which might sometimes be annoying.
However, if you did that to prevent people from skipping the game so quickly , I’ll give you a point for that :+1: .

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You really nailed the concepts and then some. Good work mate!

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I’m looking at example to get some ideas and I think it’s a great idea to use different colours according to the situation.
Good job!

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