Elemental Damage and Armor System

Me and @Brian_Trotter have been having an ongoing discussion about implementing elemental damage into the stuff from these lectures.

At present, the code looks like this for Hit():

void Hit() // Anim Event
            if(target == null) {return;}

            float damage = GetComponent<BaseStats>().GetStat(Stats.PhysicalDamage);//eventually can check weapon for type and the modifiers the weapon should pull from via bools
            BaseStats targetBaseStats = target.GetComponent<BaseStats>();
            if (targetBaseStats != null)
                float defence = targetBaseStats.GetStat(Stats.PhysicalDefense);
                damage /= 1 + defence / damage;

            if(currentWeapon.value != null)

            if(currentWeaponConfig.HasProjectile() != false)
                currentWeaponConfig.LaunchProjectile(rightHandTransform, leftHandTransform, spellbookTransform, target, gameObject, damage);

                target.TakeDamage(gameObject, damage); 
                foreach (ElementalDamage elementalDamage in currentWeaponConfig.GetElementalDamages())
                    damage = elementalDamage.amount;
                    float boosts = 0;
                    foreach (IElementalDamageProvider provider in GetComponents<IElementalDamageProvider>())
                        foreach (float amount in provider.GetElementalDamageBoost(elementalDamage.damageType))
                            boosts += amount;
                    boosts /= 100f;

                    float resistances = 0;
                    foreach (IElementalResistanceProvider provider in target.GetComponents<IElementalResistanceProvider>())
                        foreach (float amount in provider.GetElementalResistance(elementalDamage.damageType))
                            resistances += amount;
                    resistances /= 100f;
                    damage += damage * boosts;
                    damage -= damage * resistances;
                    if (damage <= 0) continue;
                    //Line below changed to add damage type for elemental damage.
                    target.TakeDamage(gameObject, damage, elementalDamage.damageType.ToString());

I’m wondering if anyone (Brian included) may know the best way to implement some sort of defense system for a system like this. I’m not against it being like the one Sam uses here but I am not married to it being that way. Right now, I think what I had for elemental damage defense and resistance may be slightly incongruous with how “regular” defense works.

I think you’ll find, even with a simple Google search like Calcualting Elemental Damage and Resistances, that there are as many systems for calculating elemental damage and defense (resistance) as there are game systems.

Ultimately, the best thing you can do is to experiment early and often. Plug numbers into spreadsheets much like the ones Rick and Sam use for conventional damage. Watch the effects of different levels of defense or lack thereof.

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