Thanks Hundred-Handed
I am definitely no artist but was quite happy with how it turned out especially since I didn’t know how to use Photoshop before I started.
Thanks for trying it.
I ended up looking up tutorials on how to make an Android version. As I progressed further through the course I found Glitch Garden covers mobile development a lot better then most tutorials I was using at the time.
However for me at this point it was:
Install Android SDK, changed build setting to Android, choose a suitable resolution and build to my phone. After this I found the buttons on Unity already worked with a touch screen so I just need to work out my controls. I looked up a few things and ended up with the follow:
void Update () {
if (Input.touchCount > 0) {
touchPos = (Input.GetTouch (0).position.x) / (Screen.width);
if (touchPos <= 0.5) {
position.x += -1 * Time.deltaTime * speed;
position.x = Mathf.Clamp (position.x, -2.7f, 2.7f);
transform.position = position;
if (touchPos >= 0.5) {
position.x += 1 * Time.deltaTime * speed;
position.x = Mathf.Clamp (position.x, -2.7f, 2.7f);
transform.position = position;
I had a look at your game and thought a similar control might be suitable if your trying to make it for Android.