Egads! This gent is late for his own wedding!

Unity 3D C# class - “Project Boost” game - Renamed to “Gentleman Jetsteamer”

Central Theme:

It’s Lord Fineas T. Fancington’s wedding day on Mars! But he’s woken up after quite the rousing bachelor party and he needs to make it back to his beloved on time so that their day of wedded bliss can begin!

Egads! To the Jetsteamer!

Levels of difficulty (subject to change and/or de-scoping):
  • Easy - 999 Fuel / 6:00 per level

  • Medium - 699 Fuel / 3:30 per level

  • Hard - 399 Fuel / 1:00 per level

Nice to haves:

  • Add Fuel/Time pickups

  • Other powerups

  • Collectibles

  • Easter Eggs

Here’s a mockup -


Really like your theme. Hope that Lord Fineas T. Fancington makes it to the wedding on time :laughing:

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