Eerie Night

Since i felt that this lecture wasn’t as structured as the bunny-lecture, i changed my strategy and watched it completely before starting up. (Which turned out well for me.)

Anyway, I decided to go small and do a small crypt instead of a big Project.
The plan is to turn it into a nice eerie Halloween scene, hopefully before actual Halloween. :ghost:

So here is the humble beginning:



I think that the structure of this section is more adapted for the church project, and with any other project you may find it less-structured. I didn’t do a church either so I can see what you mean :wink:

Speaking of project yours looks promising. We are a past Halloween by now, did you make any progress ? Or maybe you were busy ?

I look forward to what you will post !

Cheers !

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Past halloween already? How could THAT happen :scream:
Well, i got soaked into the Unity course AND then into the Unity 2.0 course as well (both are really good and enjoyable).
So it MAY be on backburner for next halloween?
Then there is the RPG course as well, there ARE houses needed for it :laughing:

Long story short. Not abandoned, just delayed :slight_smile:


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