Edge yo sphere not working

I did all the steps, rewatched the video three times but every time I try to sphere I end up with this. I did the to sphere command on another time and it worked just fine. I just don’t understand, can someone help?

Hi! Had the same problem here.

I finally made it work using another tool: LoopTools!

To enable it, go to User Preferences, Add-ons tab, search for “loop” and it will appear as “Mesh: LoopTools”, check the box on the left of it (save user settings if you want) and then, with the edge loop selected, press W, hover over LoopTools and select “circle”.

That’s it! Same result.

Thanks a lot, Santigo G Marin it worked now I can get back to the tutorial. I was stuck on this for maybe a week and now I can probably continue with learning blender

I also had the same problem, but the solution I found was a lot simpler, I just changed the pivot point. You have to use Median pivot point, because that way the center of the circle will be the common vertice between the triangles.

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Well the problem was already solved but I will use this tip for future times so thanks anyways

Thank you so much.

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