Easy Score Tweak For Two and Three-Hit Blocks

I was just fighting with the Block Breaker scripts, trying to get the score to change depending on the block type (1, 2, or 3 hit). Came across this pretty easy solution that multiplies the points by the number of hits a block can take.

In Block.cs I made maxHits a public int and assigned it at Start, then added that int to AddToScore in DestroyBlock.

int maxHits;

private void Start()
    level = FindObjectOfType<Level>(); //sets level to current instance
    gamestatus = FindObjectOfType<GameSession>(); //sets gamestatus to current instance
    maxHits = hitSprites.Length + 1; //maximum hits a block can take


private void DestroyBlock()

    gamestatus.AddToScore(maxHits); //adds score after being hit


Then GameSession.cs I overloaded AddToScore to accept an int-

public void AddToScore(int blockType)
    currentScore += pointsPerBlockDestroyed * blockType;
    scoreText.text = currentScore.ToString();

Works great so far. I’m still very much a novice so would love to know if any of you figured out any better methods!

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