Earth rotating

I have a four year old great-granddaughter and I made this to show her how the Earth’s rotation makes day and night. I will add the moon orbiting the Earth and both orbiting the sun.


Very good, took me a moment to realise the dark side was street/town lights. Works very well.

Now start teaching her Blender! :grin:

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I think that’s a great idea!! :grinning:


She does watch me but she is only 4 years old so I’m working on recognizing letters of the alphabet and learning her numbers. I’m teaching her some simple addition. She can work a mouse and navigates through the interface of browser to watch videos of her choice. I have 11 grandkids plus her but all the other grandkids don’t want to learn programming. I’m hoping she will want to get computer savvy. Thanks for your comments.


See my reply to HP5. I agree 100%.

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