Earth Invader - WebBuild

Here’s my bullet-hell version of the Laser Defender game.

You can shoot in multiple directions - hold A and D for continuous horizontal fire, press W or S to fire rockets vertically, use the arrow keys for movement.
The enemies along the top and bottom are worth more points than the ones on the sides.
I added a health power-up that randomly spawns, as well as a Insta-kill “power-up”.
There’s a visual health bar instead of just numbers, as well as an icon to show how many lives are remaining.

The player, enemy and rocket assets were all drawn by me. As well as the smoke particles for the rockets and the scrolling cloud layer. I also made the background music myself using Ableton.

Other effects and the scrolling land layer were taken from the lecture resources and OpenGameArt.


Wow! This is incredible! How long did it take you to make this? Also can I share this to the student showcase page?


Thanks for the encouraging feedback, it really goes a long way to keep me motivated.

I was designing the game alongside doing the Laser Defender section, but i was solely focusing on my version for about a week and a half before i finished it.
That includes doing the artwork for most things (except land background, and some enemy projectiles & particle effects).

I’d be more than happy to have my game on the students showcase page! That’d be really awesome!!!

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Ok, awesome. I added it to the showcase page. T I bet it took a lot of trial and error with the art. How do you keep yourself motivated?

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Cool. Thanks so much!

I actually found the art and music the easiest to do because I’ve already got some experience drawing cartoons and making some music (I started learning as a hobby a couple of years ago), but it is a lot of trial and error like you say.

About staying motivated…i go through cycles of being really productive and procrastinating way too much! But I find that when i hit a wall with either design or code, leaving it for a couple of hours and coming back after a little break helps me a lot.

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