Dynamic Nav Mesh

Here is a screenshot of the navmesh I’ve generated. I like the stairs idea so I’ve doubled up.

If you’re as into flipping switches as I am, you’ll also want to set the navmesh so that it automatically updates when the boxes are moved in-game. This is a lot easier than it sounds:

  1. Find the cube asset that the white “boxes” are using. For me this was Geometry/Meshes/1M_Cube.uasset.
  2. Create a clone of this asset so that it can be safely modified without changing unrelated actors.
  3. Open the cloned asset and in the details tab of the asset editor find the “Navigation” section. In this section tick the Is Dynamic Obstacle checkbox, and save the asset.
  4. Flip back to the level and change each box so that it uses the new (cloned) dynamic box asset. This is only a part of the solution, but you should already notice the small bits of navmesh data disappear from the boxes.
  5. Open the project settings (Edit>Project Settings). Under the “Engine” section (on the left), find the “Navigation Mesh” settings.
  6. At the bottom of this list there should be a “Runtime” section. For the Runtime Generation option, select Dynamic Modifiers Only. This offers a compromise in terms of performance, in that, only moving the boxes will trigger a navmesh update.
  7. Run your game, and in the console (the in-game console that opens with the tilde (~) key) type in the show Navigation command. The navmesh should be shown in game. Moving any of the boxes should automatically update the navmesh.

Note, I haven’t finished the section so I don’t know if this is covered in later lessons. It’s an awesome feature though, and I thought it would cool to include it at the start.

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I was unable to view the navmesh during runtime?

A bit late!
Eject from Pawn (‘F8’), then press ‘P’ or Show > Navigation.
or as mentioned by edgesdarkly press ‘~’ tilde key and type ‘show Navigation

Currently 4.15
Actually I thought the NavMesh was dynamic in-game by default but it seems not to be the case.

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