Dynamic Materials and Procedural Generation

I’m working through the Procedural Generation lecture at the end of the Blender beginner course and when I start to hook the nodes to displace the mesh it wants to move the entire mesh in one direction as opposed to appearing like the mesh is rusting inwards like desired.
I’m wondering if I missed a step or if this is now what is going to happen as blender has been updated since the lecture recorded?

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It occurs in lecture 241, approximately 27 mins in. We’re told to turn Displacement and Bump on in the material panel and then place the existing colour ramp node into the material output node. It causes a completely different effect to the one in the lecture and I followed along with the lecture a bit further to see if it would be sorted it out later on but there doesn’t seem to be anything.

Before changing settings and plugging it in:

After changing settings and plugging it in:

Wow, well done getting to this lecture few do it. It is still in the old 2.7 Blender.

I suspect the problem may be the lack of a displacement node between the colour ramp and the Displacement input to the Material output.

Dug out my own file and this is the node set up I had.

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This worked, thanks.


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