In the video you are inputting the number in the panel manually instead of using the shortcut to rotate your objects. To rotate all of the objects together, you can press these buttons on your keyboard individually, G to grab, R to rotate, and Z for Z-axis, then you can move your mouse to rotate.
The numbers for location, rotation, scale, etc. that you see in the side panel belong to only one of the objects, which is the active object highlighted in yellow. You can see that the rest of the selected objects are highlighted in a more orangy color. So when you adjust the rotation in the panel, it only adjusts it for the active yellow object.

So while you might think that the values in the sidepanel represent all the selected objects, it is actually only for the yellow one.
This is because each object has its own location, rotation, etc., because they are not in the exact same spot and rotated the same right? And it will be too messy to display all of the values in one big panel. So they only show you the numbers for the active object.
To change the active object, when you have both cubes selected, try holding down shift, and left-mousebutton-clicking the orange highlighted cube. You will then see that this cube turns yellow instead and has become the new active object, and the values in the sidepanel changes to show that cube’s location and rotation.
All this will become second nature to you and you will get the hang of it very soon. Just keep on going with the videos, and don’t hesitate to ask questions. There are many people willing to help here. Good luck!