Duplication Challenge - D&D table

Heeyy I just started learning Blender today using this course and I made this D&D table for the challenge!
It would probably be the most annoying table for D&D though, since the spaces between the planks are so big dice and minis can fall through :’)

I’m enjoying the course a lot so far, the explanations are really clear and slow enough for me to follow!


Welcome to this site.

Good table, if with those minor difficulties for the intended users! :rofl:
Let’s hope there is room between the chair seats and the table for their legs. Hard to tell at this angle.

A great way of using duplication :smiley:

Cool with the GM screen, too ^^

So… when do the game starts? Can’t wait to play my deaf bard =)

Nicely done btw


Deaf bard :laughing:

Nice table! This is after one day of Blender? Very impressive!

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