It seems that I duplicated my column and clicked, sitting it over the top of the original without noticing, so it had duplicate verts, edges and faces. I didn’t notice until I’d done a lot of progress and found teh knife tool was locking onto the ‘back’ face and bevels were acting very strangely in some places. So, rather than restarting I went into wireframe, selected everything and merged the verts, but I still seem to have double faces (I can delete a face and there isn’t a gaping hole in the model, unless I delete the second face). I probably could have selected the object and it would have moved one column off the other, but since I merged verts that isn’t an option.
Can you merge edges and faces to remove the over lying pillar? Given that I just decided not to create bevels where it caused problems, is it safe to ignore the issue, or should I just start again?