Duplicate names is a great! thing huh Sam

Way to confuse the audience Sam

Damage Text

On a canvas

Great name

Oh wait name two of them that!


Its ok Sam i will get past it

But a heads up if you want others to follow

Do not dupicate names you are removeing one of.

Eventually I suppose all you ever want from it is the Text field so you can set the value, and do all the fancy juiciness of fading and floating and whatnot.
So the Prefab should probably be the “Damage Text UI”, the Canvas’ name nobody cares about, and the Text field would be assigned as a [SerializeField] to the script that does the “magic” (and which sits either on the prefab’s root, or the Canvas), or we just grab it as a GetComponentInChildren<Text>()

Naming the Canvas before dragging it into the Project tab is just easier as it creates the prefab right under that name…
Having an empty root object with the prefab’s name is just a quirk best to be ignored…

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