Dungeon Render

This took quite a long time, primarily because I went a little overboard with some of the modifications. I went for a darky grim style of lighting.

I used the sculpt tool, the decimate tool, and a few elongated icospheres to make the dynamic fire for the torches.

I made cobble steps to enter my dungeon

And based off a nicely styled art image I tried to make a metal smelting furnace, a rack, and a spear to add to the ambiance. Creating the cobbles on a shape in all directions was an utter nightmare, and the only thing that worked was extruding from all the newly inset faces and then scaling, since I couldn’t get the transform tool to move all faces upwards off their origin in different directions:

Here are some other renders. It was a lot of fun to build:


Looks really good! Love the lighting, has a great mood to the scene. :boom: :dizzy:


Very nice and good work adding extra details to make it your own. Particularly like the forge a more unusual addition.

To extrude all over see below using Alt E select ’ extrude individual faces’. Then scale with pivot point set to individual faces.


A great and creative technique used for the flames!
The Blender way!


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