Dronos - the great escape - my version of Project Boost

Hey fellow creators,
Here is my version of project boost:
Dronos - the great escape v.1

It turned out pretty different from what I initially thought of. It has only one level - the asteroid field.
You have to use the asteroids as a cover to get to the safe space as you are constantly harassed by the enemy ship, which can be deadly. I meant it to be a bit of roguelike, where you should not finish it in one try, but even if you die, all your collected gold can be used to upgrade your ship, and the game should become easier while you get stronger and faster. Eventually, you can defeat the enemy ship and that would be the final and glorious victory :slight_smile:
I hope you will enjoy it and have fun.
If you have any comment or feedback, it would be really great to hear from you.

I will now try to go further with the course, but will also try to find the time to add to this game, if you guys would find it interesting.

Here is a current playable version v.1

W, S - increase, decrease thrust.
A, D - turn left and right
Space - turbo boost
Mouse - aim
Left mouse button - fire laser


Very interesting approach. It took me nearly 1 1/2 hours to reach the safety zone :sweat_smile:

Sometimes multiple asteroids spawning at the same point (or very close to each other), then they break lose and rage over the map
(obviously i’m at these moments right into their path)

After colliding with an asteroid the gained torque won’t reduced while rotating the ship, but only with help of the angular drag.

I like the option to enhance the ship after gathering enough currency, although some options seem a bit unbalanced, for example the boost powerup is rather weak.

Great idea, i really like games with some space theme.
I’m looking forward to the progression of your project.

(I didn’t mean to critice you, it’s just quite hard to write proper english feedback)

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Hi Christian.
It was very nice to get a feedback from you, I really appreciate you spending more than an hour playing my game as well as all your comments.
I just uploaded a new version with some added touches and fixes.
I fixed the asteroid spawning, so they won’t instantiate too close to one another, I hope I didn’t kill the fun of them bouncing with one another.
Also taken care of torque issue, it should be fine now, hopefully.
As for pricing issues, I tried to make health, rotation speed and boost a bit more expensive as I thought people would prefer them most of the time. I did it so the laser shooting speed and damage would be appealing upgrades also. Hopefully, other people will also share their ideas about that, so I would see where the preferences lie.

I didn’t take your comments as a criticism, on the contrary, I really appreciate your insights.
Thank you very much for that.

Very cool! I love the gameplay. I found the laser sound fx to be a little on the loud side compared to the other sounds, but that might just be more of a personal preference. :slight_smile:

For some reason part of the screen was cutoff, so I couldn’t see the gold amounts for upgrades:

Even though there is only one level, it already feels well polished. Great work!

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Hey Steve,
thanks for trying out my game. I am glad you enjoyed it and I really appreciate your feedback.
I forgot to test my shop scene in the non-full screen view, incorrect anchor positioning caused the problem, it’s been fixed now. I agree with laser sound being too loud, fixed it also. It should be a better balance between sounds and also music. I am planning to do an adjustable sound at main menu options and maybe on game pause if I manage.

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