Drone not following the player

I checked that everything is working and that is in the right place and that all the blueprints are right but the drone is still not chasing the player.
And also the navMesh is having lots of cracks even after adjusting the project settings


A couple of quick checks:

  • You can force a rebuild of the navmesh by shifting the position of the navmesh bounds volume slightly

  • If the drone is placed too high off the ground, the navigation system will think there’s no valid path.

I already tried to move the nav mesh slightly so it can rebuild it self but it still says " nav mesh needs to be rebuilt "
And I did check that the drone wasn’t too low or too high by moving it up and down many times and checking each time

Ok, alternatively you can rebuild navmesh by clicking on Build > Build Paths or by using the console command RebuildNavigation.

I just did this but it gave me errors and still tells me to rebuild the navmesh

I deleted the RecastNavMesh that was in my outliner and now it won’t tell me to rebuild the navmesh.
But the drone is still not moving even after that for some reason.
The drone does have a floatingPawnMovement

You need both the navmesh bounds volume and the recast navmesh. The bounds informs the recast how far it needs to generate the navmesh.

If you delete the navmesh bounds and re-add it do you get the same problem?

Yes, even after deleting the navmesh bounds the drone won’t move and if I keep the recastNavMesh it will keep saying " navmesh needs to be rebuilt "

Just wanted to say, It’s working now.
I’ve probably touched some settings in the project settings that ruined the nav mesh.
I imported the nav mesh project settings from other project and it’s working now.

Awesome! I’m glad you were able to resolve the issue.

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