Drone Course

in the first-person shooter course, I really need help in how to make this game and turn it into a VR shooter game with the same game mechanic.
my project will be like this game but I must turn it into a VR shooter game so I need your help guys who can help me with that and send me photos step by step I need help as soon as possible

Hi there. This community is primarily for supporting the Gamedev.tv courses and their students. We generally do not offer help outside of the course materials here and leave that to the discord.

Sorry I can’t offer any help.

I am a student on this course and I really want help with that I got assisted everything from this course it was very helpful so now I am looking forward to turning it into vr project so I need help on that.

I understand but we don’t assist with student personal projects, only the courses. This is mainly because we are very busy and so cannot take the time to create a road map for a project. If we had that sort of time, we would be doing that with our own projects.

Planning something like this will take significant time to do.

If you have access to the discord, you best ask the community their for their help.

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