Drilled bowling ball

It was not clear to me why the first hole needed to be undone, so I left it for now … I’ll see what the next lecture brings because it was mentioned something about “forgetting to undo by accident”, so yea, let us say it was an accident :wink:

First of all, instead of depending on my imagination, I tried using a reference once more. The holes seemed a little bigger than I would imagine (larger than just a hexagon on the sphere), so I used larger selections of triangles (which no longer allowed for a single “edge loop”, but for the rest the steps were identical). I also noticed in many images that the bottom hole seems to be slightly bigger.

So blindly following reference material can be tricky as well if you don’t account for perspective … I tried to get the dimensions straight based on a reference image of a bowling ball (but then I guess I should have looked for a reference which looks straight at the holes … The first image shows the result, which kind of looked OK but felt slightly off when I was rotating around it …

Looking into detail, following the sphere topology, I noticed that the bottom hole was not straight beneath the two top holes … :frowning:

Hopefully I will get an opportunity to fix this in the next lecture, otherwise I will redo these steps here.

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