Dress to the Nines!

Here is my guy textured in Blender Render and ready for a night out.


Here is Cycles Dude. The ground was changed in the cycles render from when I did the blender render so it is not exactly the same ground (or color).

I like cycles render better than blender render because of the lighting and realism. My GTX 1060 with 6 gigs of RAM make most render times fast (especially the sizes of things in this course being fairly small). The cycles Dude to 17 seconds while the Render Dude took 2 seconds. YES, if I were doing 250 animation frames that would be a huge difference but that is a decision I would have to make when working on animation projects. It is nice to see you set up the comparison of the two render engines. Thank you.


Very nice Richard, loving those trousers :slight_smile:

Nice soft shadows in the cycles render - and that’s a rather tasty graphic card you have there :slight_smile:

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