Drawing From Sprite Sheets - Texture2D scarfy = LoadTexture


Issue: Loading texture for display using Texture2D command raylibs
Course: C++ Fundamentals: Game Programming For Beginners - Drawing From Sprite Sheets

Below is my code.

#include “raylib.h”

int main()


// Window Demensions

const int windowWidth{512};

const int windowHeight{380};

// initialize the window for play

InitWindow(windowWidth, windowHeight, "Dapper Dasher");

// acceleration due to gravity (pixels/frame)/frame

const int gravity{1};

Texture2D scarfy = LoadTexture("textures/scarfy.png");

Rectangle scarfyRec;

scarfyRec.width = scarfy.width/6;

scarfyRec.height = scarfyRec.height;

scarfyRec.x = 0;

scarfyRec.y = 0;

Vector2 scarfyPos;

scarfyPos.x = windowWidth/2 - scarfyRec.width/2;

scarfyPos.y = windowHeight - scarfyRec.height;

// jump velocity

const int jumpVel{-22};

// is rectangle in air?

bool isInAir{};

int velocity{0};

// sets FPS, creates window for game


while (!WindowShouldClose())


    // begins drawing



    // ground checker, gravity on ground

    if(scarfyPos.y >= windowHeight - scarfyRec.height)


        // rectangle is on the ground

        velocity = 0;

        isInAir = false;




        // rectangle is in the air

        //apply gravity

        velocity += gravity;

        isInAir = true;


        // moving rectangle using velocity/check for jumping

     if(IsKeyPressed(KEY_SPACE) && !isInAir)


        velocity += jumpVel;


    // updates position

    scarfyPos.y += velocity;

    // draws a rectangle to the screen

    DrawTextureRec(scarfy, scarfyRec, scarfyPos, WHITE);

    // stop drawing






VSCode tells me the file is loaded correctly but nothing displays.

I have InitWindow(windowWidth, windowHeight, “Dapper Dasher”); ahead of the call for textures.

File path.
I tried Texture2D scarfy = LoadTexture(“Dapper Dasher/textures/scarfy.png”);
I tried Texture2D scarfy = LoadTexture(“Game Dev/Dapper Dasher/textures/scarfy.png”);

Launching the game using master file shows sprites.

Any help would be greatly appreciated, I have exhausted my knowledge and others posted.

EDIT: Error was my fault, used a Code Diff Tool or any code diff tool and compared the github to mine. Here was the error.

17 scarfyRec.height = scarfy.height; 17 scarfyRec.height = scarfyRec.height;
18 scarfyRec.x = 0; 18 scarfyRec.x = 0;
19 scarfyRec.y = 0; 19 scarfyRec.y = 0;
20 Vector2 scarfyPos; 20 Vector2 scarfyPos;
21 scarfyPos.x = windowWidth/2 - scarfyRec.width/2; 21 scarfyPos.x = windowWidth/2 - scarfyRec.width/2;
22 scarfyPos.y = windowHeight - scarfyRec.height; 22 scarfyPos.y = windowHeight - scarfy.height;

Left is correct, right is incorrect.
Line 17 and 22 were incorrect, check your code. Good to close.

1 Like

The scarfy vs scarfyRec error strikes again! Good job figuring out the issue.

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