Draw sharp tool error

Hi all! Started with next work. My draw sharp tool is not working in some parts of the trunk (however, it works in some parts of the same layer(trunk)). I tried redoing it with the copy of the same layer again. I tried changing the strength, changing the resolution of the dyntopo. Any ideas would be more helpful. Thanks !!

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Did you apply scale to all body parts? needs to be the same (1), otherwise different interpretation of the mesh scale.

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Have you tried the same places with other tools? Like the plain draw.
Try closing and restarting Blender too.
Even updating.


yes. I did applied the scale. What I finally did was started reworking that part alone from the start point. Now, the brushes are working for this newly did trunk area. Thank you so much. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:


And yes. I remember even draw tool was not properly in that trunk area. It was weird. So, I tried doing that part alone again from the start and now, boom it is working. Here are the images of draw tool and draw sharp tool in that area. Thanks again. :smiley: :+1:


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